Section 28 and Me Wales
Throughout February 2024, during LGBTQ history month Tom is working with Beacons Icons and Dykons to gather communities to explore the impact of Section 28 legislation introduced by Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government. By hosting a series of tea parties to discuss the impact of Section 28 on the queer community in Wales. This follows research in English communities during the Autumn of 2023.
Tom wonders if growing up within the decade in which queer life was silenced has made him a bit of a show off, compelled to share queer or LGBTQI+ stories? He has observed many other peoples strong reactions to this legislation. Emotions are running high, particularly at this dangerous moment when a repeat of similar legislation is possible, returning to the silencing of queerness in the UK.
The tea parties are a place for communities to meet and share their stories over tea and cake. You could have lived through this time or be curious to know more, everyone is welcome. Tom is collaborating with Welsh artists to present short performances connected to the topic to provoke conversation, these presentations will provide starting points for discussion.
The tea parties are contributing to wider research for a new show. With permission, participants' responses will feed into this new work, as an important and valuable part of the process. A short version of this show will be presented at Aberration on the 24 Feb 2024.
Tea Parties are being held at the following locations:
Sherman Theatre, 22 Feb 5.30-7pm
Pontio, 23 Feb 2-4pm
Aberration, Aberystwyth Art Centre, 24 Feb 3-5pm
Torch Theatre, 24 Feb 4.30-6.30pm
Project supported by Arts council Wales in collaboration with Beakons Icons and Dykons.

Photo Credit: Photograph by Mark Gray, Tea Party at Proud with Culture Weston.
Video Credit: Conceived and performed by Tom Marshman, film produced by Helm Films Made in collaboration with Weston’s LGBTQI’s community: Matt Fleming, Noelle Griffin and John Crockford Hawley. One of four new digital art works, commissioned by Ad Infinitum in partnership with Culture Weston.